Day 4 Surf Experience on Bondi Beach + Festival of the Wind
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Ok so Jessica & I did all our planning and booking of theme park tickets/activity etc before we left for aussie so we wouldn't be left with no plans and having the hey “i don’t know what do you want to do today?” conversations. Get straight to the fun!
But the bad thing was, i guess we were too over enthusiastic in planning the trip we packed it sooooo tight like when we were in gold coast we had White Water World, Dream World, Movie World, Moreton Islands Snorkeling & Sand-boarding, all full day activities packed tight in 4days.
OMGOODNESS NO TIME TO BREATHE hahaha. So imagine 2 weeks of back to back jam packed activities, waking up for tours in the wee hours of the morning like 6am to prepare etc.
So when you plan a vacation longer than a week.. please remember to give yourself a break from all the day tours and crazy activities! lol. Sam, Jess and I ended up with a flu when we were in gold coast because we were too tired from having too much fun?! lol. Sounds nuts but yes it happens.
Ok so before Jessica confimed that she will be joining me in Sydney, i did some research in case i had to travel alone in Sydney and since the apartment we rented was at Bondi Beach...
One night i was damn high from all the planning i booked myself a 2 hour beginner, The Bondi Surf Experiences lesson on Bondi Beach via Let's Go Surfing ( ) a surfing school highly recommended on TripAdvisor.
Sometimes i think I'm just plain reckless, get way too excited and lose my brains on the way. I didn't actually think that the period of time I'm in Sydney.. it's the end of winter about under 10 degrees, it's freezing for me and i don't exactly have a high tolerance for the cold, and i just committed to a $99 surf class because i just lost my brains.

Apart from freezing my ass off from being in the cold wintery waters for 2 hours (not that bad at all since we were decked out in wetsuits), having bruises all over from getting whacked by the surfboard from every angle when we got "flushed" to the shore, the instructors from Let's Go Surfing was awesome and i had SO much fun and i even got to stand up on my surfboard made me so proud of myself lol.
Lol so... Reckless = Awesome surf experience! :D
Not reckless = Fidel stay in beach apartment to avoid the cold and rot.
Oh and made friends with this korean dude at the surfing lesson, who was in aussie on a working holiday visa, have been curious about the whole working holiday visa experience so i pretty much bombarded him with tonnes of questions and he was very nice to walk me back to my apartment while we chatted
because he was worried I'd lose my way around bondi. Aww
Another tick on my must-do once in a lifetime list (I should do a post on this for my
New Year's resolution post) :
✓Surfing on Bondi Beach
And thankfully it was a beautiful sunday at Bondi Beach with a little sun so it wasn't SOOOO cold and miserable.

Seriously just look at those clouds. Serious shit, no PS at all.
I don't think I've ever seen such awesome clouds in SG. lol or we're just too busy and stressed out in SG for such a simple luxury like just sitting down and relax.. stare in the sky and look at the clouds.

Luckily the people at Let's Go Surfing was really nice to let me postpone my lesson from thursday to sunday because i woke up on thursday morning and it was FREEZING like 5 degrees how the am i suppose to get into the water when it's soooo cold!?

Oh and i realized I was at Bondi at the right time! Coincidentally it was the Festival of The Winds, it's a once in a year event if I'm not wrong? Everyone, families.. couples.. friends would just gather at Bondi Beach lay out a picnic and.. everyone flies a kite. (:
Oh no to mention the weekly Sunday Bondi Markets. Lots of interesting things to see too.

Look at these huge ass kites. Lol Aliens invasion on Bondi!
There were load of these humongous kites in shapes of killers whales etc, jessica would've loved it! But since i had my surfing lesson that morning, she was at the Rocks Markets (wanted to check out but no chance to) with Kew!
So sad i didn't have my camera with me since i didn't want to bring any valuables to the surfing class because you gotta deposit your bags at the surfing school and they didn't have lockers, these photos were taken with my iphone4. At least they weren't too scrappy eh? Hahaha.

New korean friend walked me back to my apartment and i went to shower etc and out of the apartment again to hunt for food! Lol surfing drained all the energy from me. Just wanted a quick meal so i can rush to check out the Bondi Market before it closes, so i had hot tom yum soup sooooo nice in the cold weather.

Fairy Floss! Can never resist sweet treats. (:

Pretty flowy garlands at the foodie area where they sold cupcakes, ice cream, grilled meat etc!
Was just walking around having bites of fairy floss and exploring the area and look what i saw!!!

Awwww! Miniature ponies for the kiddos!
I wanna be a kid at that moment too, i don't remember ever riding a pony or a horse! (ok one more thing to be added to my Must-do in a lifetime list: Horse Riding)


The sun was setting and people have been flying kites all day!
It's so awesome how enthusiastic they are? Plan and event call Festivals of the Wind and everyone just turns up and fly a kite and fill the skies with beautiful colors. How awesome is that. But i wish singaporeans are more like this, more enthusiastic and fun. I wish singapore had the perfect awesome cooling weather and gorgeous beaches. I Wish, I Wish, I Wish.

Just sat down at a random grass patch, nomming on my fairy floss and people watching.

Another awesome day in Aussie.

Sun was setting and it was getting a little more chilly, Jess was still in the CBD with Kew so i settled down at San Churros to have a hot chocolate and Churros with choc dip!

Yums! Not enough cinnamon sugars thou!
Loves, The Luckiest Chick.
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